发布时间: 2022-01-12 来源:

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Hyperthermophilic Archaeal Genetic Mechanisms Laboratory

Principal Investigator
Li HuangPh.D., Professor

Tel: 86-10-64807430
Fax: 86-10-64807429



Research Area

Genetic Mechanisms in Hyperthermophilic Archaea

Current Research

Archaea represent the third form of life, in addition to Bacteria and Eukarya. Most archaea that have been studied inhabit extreme environments. In recent decades, biochemical, molecular biological and genomic studies have revealed a number of fascinating features of this newly discovered group of prokaryotic organisms. Chief among them is the apparent similarity between Archaea and Eukarya in genetic mechanisms. Sulfolobus belongs to the kingdom Crenarchaeota, which is one of the two kingdoms of culturable archaea. Sulfolobus species live in acidic hot springs around the globe with optimal growth temperatures of ~80 oC and pH’s of ~3. Because Sulfolobus is aerobic and relatively easy to grow and handle in the lab, it has been widely used as a model system for the study of Archaea. The intense interest in Sulfolobus is evidenced by recent completion of three Sulfolobus genome projects. It is believed that knowledge gained from the study of Sulfolobus will increase the understanding of the biology of Archaea and their adaptation to living in extreme environments, and facilitate the biotechnological exploitation of this unique group of organisms. Moreover, Sulfolobus offers a prokaryotic model for analyzing the genetic mechanisms in more complex eukaryotic systems.
Dr. Huang’s laboratory studies chromosomal organization and DNA replication in the hyperthermophilic archaea of the genus Sulfolobus. The following projects are currently ongoing in his laboratory.

  • DNA-binding proteins Sul7d and Cren7 from Sulfolobus and their roles in chromosomal organization
  • Biochemical properties and physiological function of the highly conserved Sac10b protein family
  • Key steps in DNA replication in Sulfolobus solfataricus
  • Sulfolobus viruses from hot springs in Yunnan and Tibet

Group Members

Principal Investigator

Li HuangPh.D., Professor

Education & Professional Experience
Professor Huang received his PhD in the Department ofMicrobiology at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, in 1988. He was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Biochemistry of the School of Hygiene and Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, from 1988 to 1993. He became assistant professor in the Department of Biology at Pomona College, California, in 1993 before joining the faculty in the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 1996. He was appointed to full professorship in 1998 and had been director of the State Key Laboratory of Microbial Resources from 2000 to 2008. He served as the Deputy Director and then Director of the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in April 2008 to September 2013.


Xin Dai  Associate Professor
Zhenfeng Zhang Assistant Researcher

Graduate Students
Xin Guo
Li Guo
Likui Zhang
Jinchuan Hu
Zhengyan Zhan
Xiyang Li
Yi Ren
Jiali Wang
Xuan Xing
Yindi Chu
Bing Liu
Shiwei Lang

Former Students

Xulin Chen, Researcher
Institute of Virology, CAS
Danxu Liu, Post-Doc
University of Nottingham Medical School, Queen's Medical Centre
Penggao Dai, Assistant Researcher
Biochemistry and Biophysics Department
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Huiqiang Lou, Post-Doc
California Institute of Technology, Divisions of Biology and Chemistry
Xiaoyu Xiang , Post-Doc
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Medicine
Xiaoqin Lai, Post-Doc
University of Pennsylvania, Department of Biology
Rong Guo, Post-Doc
National Institute on Aging/National Institue of Healthlaboratory of Genetics
Kangyun Wu, Post-Doc
Weill Medical college of Cornell University
Liang Chen, Assistant Researcher
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, CAS
Ying Wang
State Intellectual Property Office

Former Staff

Zhenhong Duan, Ph.D. student
University of Nottingham,Queen's Medical centre
Fang Wang, Ph.D. student
Temple University, School of Medicine

Representitive Picture

Selected Publications

  1. Zhenfeng Zhang#, Yong Gong#,Li Guo, Tao Jiang,Li Huang*. Structural insights into the interaction of the crenarchaeal chromatin protein Cren7 with DNA.Molecular Microbiology. In press. (# shared the first author)(IF 5.213)
  2. Xin GuoandLi Huang*. 2010. An SF3 DNA helicase encoded by plasmid pSSVi from the hyperthermophilic ArchaeonSulfolobus solfataricusunwinds DNA as a higher-order oligomer and interacts with host primase.The Journal of Bacteriology, 192(7):1853-64.(IF 3.636)
  3. Likui Zhang, HuiqiangLou,Li Guo,Zhengyan Zhan, Zhenhong Duan,Xin GuoandLi Huang*. 2010. Accurate DNA synthesis bySulfolobus solfataricusDNA polymerase B1 at high temperature.Extremophiles, 14(1):107-17.(IF 1.782)
  4. Xianyang Fang, Qiu Cu, Yufeng Tong, Yingang Feng, Lu Shan,Li Huangand Jinfeng Wang*,A stabilizing α/β-hydrophobic core greatly contributes to hyperthermostability of archaeal [P62A]Ssh10b.Biochemistry2008, 47(43): 11212-21. (IF 3.368)
  5. Li Guo, Yingang Feng, Zhenfeng Zhang, Hongwei Yao, Yuanming Luo,Jinfeng Wang andLi Huang*. Biochemical and structural characterization of Cren7, a novel chromatin protein conserved among Crenarchaea.Nucleic Acids Research36:( 4 )1129-1137PDF(IF 6.954)
  6. Sha Wang, Wei-Feng Liu,Yong-Zhi He, Ao Zhang,Li Huang, Zhiyang Dong*, Yong-Bin Yan*, 2008,Multistate folding of a hyperthermostable Fe-superoxide dismutase (TcSOD) in guanidinium hydrochloride: The importance of the quaternary structure.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics1784:445–454  PDF(IF 3.078)
  7. Wang Y, Duan Z, Zhu H, Guo X, Wang Z, Zhou J, She Q,Huang L. 2007. A novel Sulfolobus non-conjugative extrachromosomal genetic element capable of integration into the host genome and spreading in the presence of a fusellovirus.Virology363: 124-33.
  8. Wu K, Lai X, Guo X, Hu J, Xiang X,Huang L. 2007. Interplay between primase and replication factor C in the hyperthermophilic archaeonSulfolobus solfataricus.Mol Microbiol. 63(3):826–837.
  9. Chen L,Huang L. 2006. Oligonucleotide cleavage and rejoining by topoisomerase III from the hyperthermophilic archaeonSulfolobus solfataricus: temperature dependence and strand annealing-promoted DNA religation.Mol Microbiol. 60:783-94.
  10. Xiang X, Chen N, Huang X, Luo Y, She Q,Huang L. 2005. Spindle-Shaped Virus STSV1: Virus-Host Interactions and Genomic Features.J Virol. 79:8677-86.
  11. Lou H, Duan Z, Huo X,Huang L. 2004. Modulation of hyperthermophilic DNA polymerase activity by archaeal chromatin proteins.J Biol Chem. 279:127-32.
  12. Guo R, Xue H,Huang L. 2003. Ssh10b, a conserved thermophilic archaeal protein, binds RNA in vivo.Mol. Microbiol. 50:1605-15.