Zhi-Pei LIU

发布时间: 2022-01-12 来源:

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Environmental Microbial Biotechnology

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Prof.Zhi-Pei Liu

E-mail: liuzhp@im.ac.cn



Research Area:
Development and application of environmental microbial techniques.

Research Interests:
Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems the whole world faces. Now, environmental situation is severe in our country. Although lots of efforts have been made, the environmental quality is still getting worse in China. With the rapid economical development and the pressure of environmental protection, the demand of environmental treatment is much more desired than ever.

Microbes are decomposers in natural ecology system and play very important roles in pollution treatment. As the “pollution erasing technique” rather than the “pollution transferring technique”, the environmental biological techniques based on microbes, which includes microbes, various reactors and process arts for microbial treatment, is significantly better than other techniques and has become a main approach in environmental protection. Our group interests in collection and research of microbial resources, especially development and application of environmental microbial agent, and intends to use these resources in environmental protection engineering including sewage treatment and bioremediation of contaminated soil.

Our group is now in charge of many programs including the Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China (National 863 program), the program of National Science Foundation of China, the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and commissions of large/intermediate companies.

Current research includes:

  1. Ecological survey and treatment of recirculating water in marine aquaculture systems;
  2. Microbiological basement in controlled ecological life support system;
  3. Cold-adapt mechanism of low-temperature β-glucosidase;
  4. Biodegradation of high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
  5. Bioremediation of typically contaminated soil;
  6. Development of microbial agent for air cleaning.


Group Members:

Principal Investigator

Prof. Dr.Zhi-Pei Liu

Prof. of Environmental microbiology

Institute of Microbiology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
West Beichen Road
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100101, P. R. China


Major and Specialty
Microbial ecology, Environmental microbiology, Environmental biotechnology

B. S.1982  Biology, Xiamen University
M. S. 1987  Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS)
Ph. D.2002  Environmental microbiology, IMCAS

Professional Appointments
1982-1984  Teacher for microbiology, Sanming Agricultural School, Fujian
1987-1996 Assistant professor, IMCAS
1996-2009 Associate professor, IMCAS
2009.6-----   Principle Investigator, Professor and Ph.D Advisor, IMCAS

Editorial Board
《Microbiology (China)》
《Environmental Sciences (China)》
《Environmental Pollution and Protection (China)》

Permanent Staff

Ying Liu
Associate professor
Dr. Li-Li Miao
Assistant professor


Graduate Students

Wei-Li Du    (2013-)
Ting-Ting Hou    (2012-)
Xiyan Gao    (2012-)
Jie Qu    (2011-)
Zhi-Ping Zhong    (2011-)
Yang Xu    (2008-)

Former Graduate Students

Liang-Zi Liu     (2013, M. S.):
Yan-Chun Yao     (2013, M. S.):
Qing-Ling Zhang     (2012, M. S.): China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute
Hai-Yan Zheng     (2011, M. S.): Sino Biological Inc.
Run Sun     (2010, M. S.): Beijing ROSE Co-Win Medical Tech,.Co.Ltd 
Xi-Yan Gao     (2010, M. S.): Ph. D student in IMCAS
Song-Zhe Fu     (2009, M. S.): Center for disease protection and control of Jiangxi Province
Hong-Xia Fan     (2009, M. S.):  Ph. D student in IMCAS
Li-Ping Chen     (2008, M.S.): Center for disease protection and control of Huzhou city, Zhejiang province
Hai-Ying Xu    (2008, M. S.):  Beijing Weiming Kaituo Agricultural Biotechnology Company
Ling Huang     (2007, M. S.)
Tao Zhang     (2006, M. S.):  Ph. D student in IMCAS
Xi-Wu Li       (2003, M. S.):  Beijing Sangde Company


Representative pictures

Ribbon representation of the overall structure of cold-adapted β-glucosidase BglU. The α-helices and β-strands of the TIM barrel are shown by salmon and sky blue. Loops L1, L2 and αB, αC are orange. L5, βC and βD are green/cyan. L5 is yellow. L4 and other residues are gray.

Bioremediation of aged and highly contaminated soil (Above) and elimination of pollutants in different experimental groups (Below). Experimental groups: ?, microbial/phytoremediation (JZ); ▼, phytoremediation (Z); ○, microbial remediation (J); ■, control (N).

Recent Publications (2010-)

  1. Ying Liu, Jing-Hua Jin, Yu-Guang Zhou, Hong-Can Liu andZhi-Pei Liu*.Flavobacterium caenisp. nov.,isolated from a sequencing batch reactor for treatment of malachite green.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2010, 60: 417-421.
  2. Ying Liu, Cheng-Jun Xu, Jia-Tong Jiang, Ying-Hao Liu, Xue-Feng Song, Hao Li andZhi-Pei Liu*.Catellibacterium aquatilesp. nov., isolated from freshwater and emended description of the genusCatellibacteriumTanakaet al., 2004.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2010 60: 2027-2031.
  3. Tao Zhang, Hua-Feng Ren, Ying Liu, Bao-Li Zhu andZhi-Pei Liu*. A novel degradation pathway of chloroaniline inDiaphorobactersp. PCA039 entails initial hydroxylation.World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2010, 26: 665-673.
  4. Ying Liu, Jing-Hua Jin, Ying-Hao Liu, Yu-Guang Zhou andZhi-Pei Liu*.Dongia mobilisgen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the familyRhodospirillaceaeisolated from a sequencing batch reactor for treatment of malachite green effluent.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2010, 26: 2780-2785.
  5. Tao Zhang, Muhammad Tausif Chaudhry, Hua-Feng Ren andZhi-Pei Liu*. Gene cloning and characterization of the poly 3-hydroxybutyrate depolymerase fromDiaphorobactersp. PCA039.World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2010, 26: 1803-1811.
  6. Sun Run, Jin JingHua, Sun Guangdong, Liu Ying andLiu Zhipei*. Screening, degrading characteristics and community structure of a high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial consortium from contaminated soil.Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2010, 22(10): 1576-1585.
  7. Ying Liu, Xue-Feng Song, Jia-Tong Jiang, Ying-Hao Liu, Cheng-Jun Xu, Hao Li andZhi-Pei Liu*.Hydrocarboniphagadaqingensissp. nov., isolated from freshwater of Longhu Lake in Daqing, northeast of China.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2011, 61: 408- 411.
  8. Hong-Xia Fan, Li-Li Miao, Ying Liu, Hong-Can Liu andZhi-Pei Liu*. Gene cloning and characterization of a cold-adaptedb-glucosidase belonging to glycosyl hydrolase family 1 from a psychrotolerant bacteriumMicrococcus antarcticus.Enzyme and microbial biotechnology, 2011, 49: 94-99.
  9. Xi-Yan Gao, Yang Xu, Ying Liu, Ying Liu (Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao) andZhi-Pei Liu*. Bacterial diversity, community structure and function associated with the biofilm development in biological aerated filter in a recirculating marine aquaculture system.Marine biodiversity, 2012, 42: 1-11.
  10. Haiyan Zheng, Ying Liu, Guangdong Sun, Xiyan Gao, Qingling Zhang andZhipei Liu*. Denitrification characteristics of a marine origin psychrophilic aerobic denitrifying bacterium.Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2011, 23(11): 1888-1893.
  11. Qing-Ling Zhang, Ying Liu, Guo-Min Ai, Li-Li Miao, Hai-Yan Zheng,Zhi-Pei Liu*. The characteristics of a novel heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification bacterium,Bacillus methylotrophicusstrain L7.Bioresources Technology, 2012, 108: 35-44.
  12. Ying Liu, Jia-Tong Jiang, Cheng-Jun Xu, Ying-Hao Liu, Xue-Feng Song, Hao Li, andZhi-Pei Liu*.Rheinheimera longhuensissp. nov., isolated from a slightly alkaline lake in northeast of China and emended description of genusRheinheimeraBrettar et al. 2002 emend. Merchantet al. 2007 emend. Chenet al. emend. Liet al.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2012, 62: 2927-2933.
  13. Hai-Yan Zheng, Ying Liu, Xi-Yan Gao, Guo-Min Ai, Li-Li Miao andZhi-Pei Liu*. Characterization of a marine origin aerobic nitrifying-denitrifying bacterium.Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2012, 112: 33-37.
  14. Guang-Dong Sun, Yang Xu, Jing-Hua Jin, Zhi-Ping Zhong, Ying Liu, Mu Luo,Zhi-Pei Liu*.Pilot scaleex-situbioremediation of heavily PAHs-contaminatedsoil by indigenous microorganisms and bioaugmentation by a PAHs-degrading and bioemulsifier-producing strain.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 233-234: 72-78.
  15. Ying Liu, Jing-Hua Jin, Hong-Can Liu, andZhi-Pei Liu*.Dokdonella immobilissp. nov., isolated from a sequencing batch reactor for treatment of triphenylmethane dye.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol,2013, 63:1557 - 1561.
  16. Yan-Chun Yao, Qing-Ling Zhang, Ying Liu,Zhi-Pei Liu*. Simultaneous removal of organic matter and nitrogen by a heterotrophic nitrifying-aerobic denitrifying bacterial strain in a membrane bioreactor.Bioresour Technol, 2013, 143: 83-87.

* Corresponding author



  1. A cold-tolerant nitrifying microbial agent and its application. Patent number: ZL 02 1 56977.0
  2. Rhodococcus ruberEm1 capable of degrading several polycyclic aromatic compounds and producing bio-emulsifier and its application. Patent number: ZL 03 1 01920.X
  3. A microbial agent for treatment of recirculating marine aqua-cultural water. Patent number: ZL 03 1 58644.9
  4. Application of a psychrotolerant strainPlanococcus psycrophilain the treatment of low temperature wastewater. Application date: 2007-4-5, Application number: 200710065134.1
  5. Application of a psychrotolerant strainMicrococcus antarcticusin the treatment of low temperature wastewater. Application date: 2007-4-5, Application number: 200710065135.6
  6. Application of a psychrophilic strainFlavobacteium omnivoransin the treatment of low temperature wastewater. Application date: 2007-4-5, Application number: 20071006533.7
  7. Application ofBacillus pumilusH2 in the protection against vibrosis of marine aqua-cultures. Application date: 2009-4-21, Application number: 200910082626.0