Environmental Microbial Biotechnology Principal Investigator: Tel/Fax:010-64806081
Research Area: Research Interests: Microbes are decomposers in natural ecology system and play very important roles in pollution treatment. As the “pollution erasing technique” rather than the “pollution transferring technique”, the environmental biological techniques based on microbes, which includes microbes, various reactors and process arts for microbial treatment, is significantly better than other techniques and has become a main approach in environmental protection. Our group interests in collection and research of microbial resources, especially development and application of environmental microbial agent, and intends to use these resources in environmental protection engineering including sewage treatment and bioremediation of contaminated soil. Our group is now in charge of many programs including the Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China (National 863 program), the program of National Science Foundation of China, the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and commissions of large/intermediate companies. Current research includes:
Group Members:
Prof. Dr.Zhi-Pei Liu Prof. of Environmental microbiology Institute of Microbiology Tel:010-64806081 Major and Specialty Education Professional Appointments Editorial Board Permanent Staff
Graduate Students Wei-Li Du (2013-) Former Graduate Students Liang-Zi Liu (2013, M. S.):
Representative pictures Ribbon representation of the overall structure of cold-adapted β-glucosidase BglU. The α-helices and β-strands of the TIM barrel are shown by salmon and sky blue. Loops L1, L2 and αB, αC are orange. L5, βC and βD are green/cyan. L5 is yellow. L4 and other residues are gray. Bioremediation of aged and highly contaminated soil (Above) and elimination of pollutants in different experimental groups (Below). Experimental groups: ?, microbial/phytoremediation (JZ); ▼, phytoremediation (Z); ○, microbial remediation (J); ■, control (N). Recent Publications (2010-)
* Corresponding author