Liandong HUAN

发布时间: 2022-01-12 来源:

Molecular Genetics of Lactic Acid Bacteria(LAB)

Principal Investigator
Prof. Liandong Huan, Supervisor of Ph.D candidates

Tel/Fax: 86-10-64807401
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Major Research Area

The lactic acid bacteria (LAB) represent a group of bacteria functionally related by their ability to produce lactic acid during fermentative metabolism. They play an essential role in food industry by imparting the key flavor, texture and preservative qualities to a variety of fermented foods. Some members occupy important niches in the gastrointestinal tracts of humans and animals and are considered to offer a number of probiotic benefits to general health. LAB are capable of producing a wide range of protein and peptides which have an associated antimibial activity. More recently, LAB are being used in the production of industrial chemical and biological products including biopolymers, enzymes, lactic acid and antimicrobials. LAB are also strong candidates for development as oral delivery vehicles for digestive enzymes and vaccine antigens. Their innate acid tolerance, ability to survive gastric passage,and safety record during human consumption, are key features that can be exploited to effectively deliver biologics to targeted locations and tissues. Realizing their practical significance in fermentation, bioprocessing, agriculture, food and medicine, LAB have been the subject of considerable research and commercial development over the past decade.

Research work concentrates on molecular genetics and bioengineering of LAB and bioactive substances produced by LAB, including the construction of food-grade gene expression system and the development of technological platform to produce interested protein in LAB; isolation and characterization of bioactive substances from LAB (and other bacteria), cloning the complete gene cluster and exploring the mechanism of the biosynthesis, genetic regulation, gene expression, and structure- function relationship of them; large-scale production of bioactive substances and their application and exploitation.

Having carried out the project “Study and exploitation of nisinZ” for more than ten years. A L.lactis strain with high nisinZ productivity was got by selecting and inducing from milk samples; the novel biotechnology route of fermentation and extraction was invented and improved; the biggest nisinZ production factory in the world was established and large-scale production (150t/y) of nisinZ succeeded; the product was already used widely in food area domestic and abroad.

Research Interests
1. Isolation and characterization of bioactive substances from LAB (and other bacteria), cloning the complete gene cluster and exploring the mechanism of the biosynthesis, genetic regulation, gene expression, and structure- function relationship of them;
2. Construction of food-grade gene expression system and the development of technological platform to produce interested protein in LAB;;
3. Large-scale production of bioactive substances(nisinZ etc.) and their application and exploitation.

Group Members

Principal Investigator

          Prof. Liandong Huan, Supervisor of Ph.D candidates

Education and work experience
1968 B.S., Fudan University, Genetics
1981 M.S., Institute of Genetics, Fudan University, Genetics
1983-1989 Assistant professor, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1989-1996 Associate professor, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1996-1997 Professor and supervisor of Ph.D. candidates, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1997-1998 Visiting scholar, Southern University, USA
1998-now Professor and supervisor of Ph.D. candidates, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Science

1. Enjoys State Council Government Subsidy(1995)
2. “Study and exploitation of nisinZ”-Award for Second Prize of State Science & Technology(2005)
3. “Exploitation and application of natural food preservative nisinZ ”— Award for Special Prize of China Food Industry Association(2005)

Permanent Members:

Dr. Jin Zhong
Associate Professor
Tel: 64807401
Dr. Jianqiang Ni
Assistant Professor
Tel: 64807439
Ms. Meiling Chen
Senior Technician
Tel: 64807439


Graduate Students:
Gang Liu, 2002-2008;
Qiuxiang Zhang, 2002-2008;
Zhizeng Sun, 2004-2008;
Yuheng Lin, 2007-2010;
Yong Gao, 2008 -2011;

Visiting Students:
Jiale Liu, 2007-2009;
Hongmei Hu, 2007-2010;
Yao Lu, 2007-2010;

Graduate or Retiree:
Shuming Wu, graduated in 2008;
Huili Hou, graduated in 2008;
Xiaobo Liang, graduated in 2007;
Siwei Chen, graduated in 2007;
Shifang Jia, retired in 2007;
Shimei Wu, graduated in 2006;
Dandan Sun, left in 2006;
Xiuzhu Chen, retired in 2004;
Haijie Xiao, graduated in 2004;

Representitive Pictures

Bovicin HJ50 Biosynthesis Gene Cluster


Subpeptin JM4AB Gene Cluster



Right: Construction of Institute-Company Joint Laboratory 

Left:“Study and exploitation of nisinZ”-Award for Second Prize of State Science & Technology   

                          Factory of Nisin Z                                         Nisin Z product                

Recent Publication

  1. iaobo Liang#, Zhizeng Sun#, Jin Zhong*, Qiuxiang Zhang, Liandong Huan*. 2009. Adverse effect of nisin resistance protein on nisin-induced expression system in Lactococcus lactis. Microbiological Research  (in press)  (#shared the first author) (IF 2.054)

  2. Zhizeng Sun, Jin Zhong*, Xiaobo Liang, Jiale Liu, Xiuzhu Chen, and Liandong Huan* (2009). A Novel Mechanism for Nisin Resistance via Proteolytic Degradation of Nisin by Nisin Resistance Protein (NSR). Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy53(5):1964-1973 PDF (IF 4.390)

  3. Gang Liu, Jin Zhong*, Jianqiang Ni, Meiling Chen, Haijie Xiao & Liandong Huan* 2009, Characteristics of the bovicin HJ50 gene cluster in Streptococcus bovis HJ50.  Microbiology-SGM   155, 584-593. (IF 3.110)

  4. Wu S, Feng C, Zhong J*, Huan L*. 2007. Roles of S3 site residues of Nattokinase on its activity and substrate specificity. Journal of Biochemistry 142: 357-364.

  5. Liang X, Zhong J*, Huan L*. 2007. Secretory expression of a heterologous Nattokinase in Lactococcus lactis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 75:95-101.

  6. Liang X, Jia S, Sun Y, Chen M, Chen X, Zhong J*, Huan L*. 2007. Secretory expression of Nattokinase from Bacillus subtilis YF38 in Escherichia coli. Molecular Biotechnology 37:187-194

  7. Wu S, Zhong J* and Huan L *. 2006. Genetics of subpeptin JM4-A and subpeptin JM4-B production by Bacillus subtilis JM4. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 344: 1147-1154.

  8. Wu S, Jia S, Sun D, Chen M, Chen X, Zhong J*, Huan L*. 2005. Purification and characterization of two novel antimicrobial peptides Subpeptin JM4-A and Subpeptin JM4-B produced by Bacillus subtilis JM4. Current Microbiology, 51, 292-296.

  9. Xiao H, Chen X, Chen M, Tang S, Zhao X, Huan L*. 2004. Bovicin HJ50, a novel lantibiotic produced by Streptococcus bovis HJ 50, Microbiology, 150:103-108.

  10. Yuan J, Zhang Z, Chen X, Yang W, Huan L*. 2004. Site-directed mutagenesis of the hinge region of nisinZ and properties of nisinZ mutants, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 64:806-815.

  11. 陈思维, 钟瑾*, 还连栋. 2007, 人胰岛素基因在乳酸菌中的表达及其对非肥胖糖尿病(NOD)小鼠的作用. 微生物学报, 47(6):987-991。

  12. 钟瑾,刘刚,还连栋*. 2006,羊毛硫细菌素生物合成基因簇的遗传分析,中国抗生素杂志, 31(9): 513-518。
