Laboratory of Extremophiles
Principal Investigator
Dr. Prof. Yanhe Ma
Tel/Fax: 86-10-64807616
Research Area
Our research interest is focused on discovering, understanding and application of extremophiles.
Research Interests
(1)Ecology and taxonomy of extremophiles
(2)Physiological mechanisms of extremophiles' adaptation to extreme environments
(3)Exploration of novel functionality of extremophiles for application.
Our current ongoing projects include: ……
? Synthetic Cell Factories, 973 Program
? Synthesis and characterize the stress resistance parts, 973 Program
? Biotechnological production of bulk chemicals, 863 Program
? Exploitation and application of extremozymes for green biological process, 863 Program
Lab Members
Principal Investigator
Yanhe Ma, Ph. D., Professor
Ph.D., Fermentation Engineering angnan University, China (2005)
Bachelor of Biology Nankai University, China (1983)
Professional Experience
1983~ Staff member, Institute of Microbiology, CAS
1992 Visiting Scholar, Alicante University, Spain
2001 Visiting Scholar, Leicester University, UK
1999 ~ Professor of Microbiology, IMCAS
2000-2005 Deputy Director, Biotechnology Center, IMCAS
2005-2007 Deputy Director, Center for Bioenergy and Industrial Biotechnology, IMCAS
2007-2012 Deputy Director, State Key Laboratory of Microbial Resources, IMCAS
2008- Director, National Engineering Lab for Industrial Enzymes
Social and Scientific Responsibilities
Member, ICSP Subcommittee on Taxonomy of Halobacteriaceae
Vice President, Chinese Society of Biotechnology
Secretary-General, China Bioindustry Convention
Chairman, Advisory Committee of National High Technology R&D Program, Industrial Biotechnology
Vice-Chairman, Glycobiotechnology Subcommittee of Chinese Society of Biotechnology
Associate Editor, Saline Systems
Associate Editor, 3Biotech
Associate Editor, Chinese Journal of Bioprocess Engineering
Board member, Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Permanent staff
Yanfen Xue, Professor,
Cheng Zhou, Assistant Professor,
Yan Zhang, Engineer,
Xiaochen Ma, Research Assistant,
Postdoctoral Fellows
Wenying Zhao, 2011-
Jinshan Li, 2008-
Guimin Zhang, 2007-2011
Jiansong Ju, 2006-2009
Jie Li, 2005-2007
Graduate Students
Lei Zhai (Ph. D student)
Kai Jiang (Ph. D student)
Liang Yin (Ph. D student)
Deyong Ge (Ph. D student)
Qi Chang (Ph. D student)
Nilnate Assavasirijinda (Ph. D student)
Hang Zhou (Ph. D student)
Jintong Ye (M.Sc student)
Zhougang Zhang (M.Sc student)
Hongliang Qin (M.Sc student)
Chao Ma (M.Sc student)
Former Graduate Students
Wenxia Liu (2013, M.Sc)
Yajian Song (2013, Ph.D)
Wenqin Bai (2013, Ph.D)
Mingjie Xian (2013, M.Sc)
Kun Li (2013, Ph.D)
Ying Meng (2012, M.Sc)
Chenghua Gao (2012, M.Sc)
Tingting Liao (2011, M.Sc)
Chaoning Liang (2011, Ph.D)
Yueju Zhao (2011, Ph.D)
Lang Rao (2011, Ph.D)
Xiaowei Wang (2010, Ph.D)
Yingying Zheng (2010, Ph.D)
Gang Li (2010, Ph.D)
Cheng Zhou (2010, Ph.D)
Jianguo Hao (2009, M.Sc)
Yonghao Guo (2009, Ph.D)
Quanhui Wang (2009, Ph.D)
Yueling Zhang (2009, Ph.D)
Lingfei Hu (2008, M.Sc)
Sanqing Yuan (2007, M.Sc)
Jun Liu (2006, Ph.D)
Hailian Pan (2006, M.Sc)
Hua Xie (2004, M.Sc)
Dapeng Zhao (2004, M.Sc)
Yan Zeng (2003, M.Sc)
Huapeng Fan (2002, M.Sc)
Weizhou Zhang (2001, M.Sc)
Recent Publication
1) Yajian Song, Yanfen Xue, Yanhe Ma*. 2013. Global Microarray Analysis of Carbohydrate Use in Alkaliphilic Hemicellulolytic Bacterium Bacillus sp. N16-5. PLoS One. 8(1): e54090.
2) Lang Rao, Yanfen Xue, Yingying Zheng, Jian R. Lu*, Yanhe Ma*. 2013. A Novel Alkaliphilic Bacillus Esterase Belongs to the 13th Bacterial Lipolytic Enzyme Family. PLoS One. 8(4): e60645.
3) Wenqin Bai, Yanfen Xue, Cheng Zhou, Yanhe Ma*. 2012. Cloning, expression and characterization of a novel salt tolerant xylanase from Bacillus sp. SN5. Biotechnol Lett. 34: 2093–2099.
4) Ying Meng, Yanfen Xue, Bo Yu, Chenghua Gao, Yanhe Ma*. 2012. Efficient production of L-lactic acid with high optical purity by alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. WL-S20. Bioresour Technol.116: 334–339.
5) Guimin Zhang, Shunyi Li, Yanfen Xue, Liangwei Mao, Yanhe Ma*. 2012. Effects of salts on activity of halophilic cellulose with glucomannanase activity isolated from alkaliphilic and halophilic Bacillus sp. BG-CS10. Extremophiles. 16: 35–43.
6) Lei Zhai, Tingting Liao, Yanfen Xue*, Yanhe Ma. 2012. Bacillus daliensis sp. nov., an alkaliphilic, Gram-positive bacterium isolated from a soda lake. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 62: 949–953.
7) Jinshan Li#, Wei Wang#, Yanhe Ma, Anping Zeng*. 2012. Medium optimization and proteome analysis of (R,R)-2,3-butanediol production by Paenibacillus polymyxa ATCC 12321. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. DOI 10.1007/s00253-012-4331-6.