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论文题目: A platform for the development of novel biosensors by configuring allosteric transcription factor recognition with amplified luminescent proximity homogeneous assays
作者: Li Shanshan , Zhou Li , Yao Yongpeng , Fan Keqiang , Li Zilong , Zhang Lixin , Wang Weishan , and Yang Keqian*.
刊物名称: Chemical Communications
卷: 53
页: 99-102
年份: 2017
影响因子: 6.628
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摘要: A wide range of chemicals can be sensed by allosteric transcription factors (aTFs) in bacteria. Herein, we report a biosensing platform by using isolated aTFs as recognition elements in vitro. Moreover, a general strategy to increase the sensitivity of the aTF-based biosensors is provided. As a proof-of-concept, we obtained by far the most sensitive uric acid and oxytetracycline biosensors by using aTF HucR and OtrR as recognition elements, respectively. As a large number of aTFs are present in bacteria, our work opens a novel route to develop sensitive aTF-based biosensors.