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论文题目: Diploschistes tianshanensis sp nov., a corticolous species from Northwestern China
作者: Ababaikeli, Gulibahaer Abbas, Abdulla Guo, Shou-Yu Tumier, Aniwaer Mamuti, Reyimu
联系作者: Abbas, Abdulla* Guo, Shou-Yu*
刊物名称: Mycotaxon
年份: 2016
影响因子: 0.689
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摘要: Diploschistes tianshanensis is described as a new species, found on rotten wood with mosses and other lichens (Cladonia sp.) in an arid region of Northwestern China. The new fungus, which is diagnosed by urceolate ascomata and large ascospores, resembles D. gypsaceus but is readily distinguished by its epruinose thallus surface. ITS rDNA sequence analyses support the taxon as a distinct species. The description of D. tianshanensis is accompanied by notes on its chemistry, distribution and ecology, and comparison with related species.