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 李鹏伟 博士  副研究员
























2016.07至2020.10 中国科学院微生物研究所,助理研究员

2020 .10至今 中国科学院微生物研究所,副研究员






2005.09-2009.07 兰州交通大学生物工程专业,学士学位

2009.09-2012.07 山东大学微生物专业,硕士学位

2012.09-2016.07 中国科学院大学遗传学专业,博士学位



Liu L#, Wang W#, Chen M, Zhang Y, Mao H, Wang D, Chen Y,Li P*. Characterization of three succinyl-CoA acyltransferases involved in polyketide chain assembly.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.2023. 107(7-8):2403-2412. 

Zhang Y#,Li P#, Ma Y, Wang J, Chen Y*. Artificial intelligence accelerates the mining of bioactive small molecules from human microbiome.Clin Transl Med. 2022. 12(8):e1011. 

Wang D#,Li P#, Yan JL, Mao H, Liu L, Wang M Assigning the stereochemical structures of aurantinin A and B with the assistance of biosynthetic investigations.Org. Chem. Front.2022. 9: 5949-5954. 

Zhang Z#,Li P#*, Wang M, Zhang Y, Wu B, Tao Y, Pan G*, Chen Y*. (S)-3-aminopiperidine-2, 6-dione is a biosynthetic intermediate of microbial blue pigment indigoidine,mLife. 2022. 1(2): 146-155. 

Li P, Chen M, Tang W, Guo Z, Zhang Y, Wang M, Horsman GP, Zhong J, Lu Z, Chen Y*. Initiating polyketide biosynthesis by on-line methyl esterification.Nat Commun.2021. 12(1):4499. 

Ding Y#, Li X#, Horsman GP,Li P, Wang M, Li J, Zhang Z, Liu W, Wu B, Tao Y, Chen Y. Construction of an alternative NAD+de novo biosynthesis pathway.Adv Sci. 2021. 8(9):2004632. 

Tang W,Li P, Chen M, Guo Z, Chen Y. Characterization of SepE and SepF for theN6-glycosylated adenine structure formation in septacidin biosynthesis.Org Lett. 2020. 22(13):5251-5254. 

Chen Y#, Liu X#, Lv F,Li P*. Characterization of three regulatory genes involved in enduracidin biosynthesis and improvement of enduracidin production in Streptomyces fungicidicus.J Appl Microbiol. 2019. 127(6):1698-1705. 

Nanjaraj Urs AN, Hu Y,Li P, Yuchi Z, Chen Y*, Zhang Y*. Cloning and Expression of a nonribosomal peptide synthetase to generate blue rose.ACS Synth Biol. 2019. 8(8):1698-1704. 

Guo Z#,Li P#, Chen G, Li C, Cao Z, Zhang Y, Ren J, Xiang H, Lin S, Ju J, Chen Y*. Design and biosynthesis of dimeric alboflavusins with biaryl linkages via regiospecific C-C bond coupling.J Am Chem Soc. 2018. 140(51):18009-18015. 

Li P, Guo Z, Tang W, Chen Y*. Activation of three natural product biosynthetic gene clusters fromStreptomyces lavendulaeCGMCC 4.1386 by a reporter-guided strategy.Synth Syst Biotechnol. 2018. 3(4):254-260. 

Tang W#, Guo Z#, Cao Z, Wang M,Li P, Meng X, Zhao X, Xie Z, Wang W, Zhou A, Lou C, Chen Y.d-Sedoheptulose-7-phosphate is a common precursor for the heptoses of septacidin and hygromycin B.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2018. 115(11):2818-2823. 

