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 林白雪 博士  项目研究员






















        2021.11-至今     中国科学院微生物研究所,项目研究员

        2015.09-2021.11  中国科学院微生物研究所,副研究员

        2016.08-2016.11  University of Delaware,访问学者

        2013.03-2015.09  中国科学院微生物研究所,助理研究员

        2010.09-2013.03  中国科学院微生物研究所,博士后

        2003.07-2010.09 福建农林大学,研究实习员、助理研究员



        2006.09-2010.07 福建农林大学,生化与分子生物学专业,博士学位

        2000.09-2003.07 华南理工大学,发酵工程专业,硕士学位  

        1996.09-2000.07 华南理工大学,制药工程专业  学士学位






    1. Qun Liu,Baixue Lin*, Yong Tao*. Improved methylation in E. coli via an efficient methyl supply system driven by betaine.Metabolic Engineering. 2022, 72:46-55.
    2. Quanxiu Gao, Hao Chen, Gaoyan Wang, Wei Yang, Xiaotong Zhong, Jiezheng Liu, XiaoJing Huo, Weifeng Liu, Jianzhong Huang*, Yong Tao*,Baixue Lin*. Highly Efficient Production of Menaquinone?7 from Glucose by Metabolically Engineered Escherichia coli. ACS Synthetic Biology. 2021, 10(4): 756–765.
    3. Zhanhui Wang?Baixue LinSiyu ShengSicong TanPengchao WangYong TaoZhang LiuZhiyuan He,Jianjun Wang.Bioinspired Anti-Icing Hydrogel Enabled by Ice-Nucleating Protein.CCS Chem. 2021, 3, 473–480
    4. Yiwen Zhang, Hang Zhou, Yong Tao*,Baixue Lin*. Reconstitution of the Ornithine Cycle with Arginine:Glycine Amidinotransferase to Engineer Escherichia coli into an Efficient Whole-Cell Catalyst of Guanidinoacetate. ACS Synthetic Biology. 2020;9(8):2066-2075.  
    5. Jiangming Zhu, Wei Yang, Bohua Wang, Qun Liu, Xiaotong Zhong, Quanxiu Gao, Jiezheng Liu, Jianzhong Huang*,Baixue Lin*and Yong Tao. Metabolic engineering ofEscherichia colifor efficient production of L-alanyl-L-glutamine. Microbial Cell Factories2020,19(1):129.
    6. Quanxiu Gao
Hao Chen , Wenzhao  Wang,  Jianzhong Huang*, Yong  Tao,Baixue Lin*. Menaquinone-7 production in engineeredEscherichia coli.World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.2020, 36:132.
    7. Jing Feng, Ruifeng Li, Shasha Zhang, Yifan Bu, Yanchun Chen, Yinglu Cui,Baixue Lin,Yihua Chen, Yong Tao, Bian Wu*. Bioretrosynthesis of FunctionalizedN-Heterocycles from Glucose via One-Pot Tandem Collaborations of Designed Microbes.Advanced Science, 2020, 7(17) 2001188.
    8. Shasha Zhang, Wei Yang, Hao Chen, Bo Liu,Baixue Lin*, Yong Tao*. Metabolic engineering for effcient supply of acetyl-CoA from different carbon sources in Escherichia coli.Microbial Cell Factories. 2019,18:130.
    9. Xiaoyu Piao, Lei Wang,Baixue Lin, Hao Chen, Weifeng Liu *, Tao Yong*. Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of L-aspartate and its derivative beta-alanine with high stoichiometric yield. Metabolic engineering, 2019, 54:244-254
    10.Baixue Lin*, Yong Tao*. Whole-cell biocatalysts by design.Microbial Cell Factories, 2017, 16:106.
    11. Xun Lv, Hongzhi Cao,Baixue Lin*, Wei Wang, Wande Zhang, Qian Duan, Yong Tao, Xue-Wei Liu, Xuebing Li*. Synthesis of sialic acids, their derivatives and analogues using a whole-cell catalyst.Chemistry - A European Journal,2017,23(26): 15143–15149.
    12. Pengchao Wang, Xinwei Yang,Baixue Lin*, Jianzhong Huang*, Yong Tao*. Cofactor self-sufficient whole-cell biocatalysts for the production of 2-phenylethanol.Metabolic Engineering, 2017,44:143-149.
    13.Baixue Lin*, Yu Qiao, Bo Shi, Yong Tao. Polysialic acid biosynthesis and production inEscherichia coli: Current state and perspectives.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016,100(1):1-8.
    14. Keqiang Fan,Baixue Lin, Yong Tao, Keqian Yang*. Engineering deacetoxycephalosporin C synthase as a catalyst for the bioconversion of penicillins.Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology.2016,44(4): 705-710.
    15. Fang Chen, Yong Tao, Cheng Jin, Yang Xu,Baixue Lin*. Enhanced production of polysialic acid by metabolic engineering ofEscherichia coli.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2015,99:2603-2611.
    16.Baixue Lin, Keqiang Fan, Jian Zhao, Junjie Ji, Linjun Wu, Keqian Yang*, Yong Tao*. Reconstitution of TCA cycle with DAOCS to engineerE. coliinto an efficient whole cell catalyst of penicillin G.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2015,112(32):9855-9.

    17.Baixue Lin, Zijuan Zhang, Weifeng Liu,Zhiyang Dong, Yong Tao*. Enhanced production of N-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid by multi-approach whole-cell biocatalyst.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 97: 4775-84. 

    1. 林白雪,朱江明,陶勇.产丙谷二肽的工程菌及其构建方法与应用. ZL201911164379.9.
    2. 林白雪,朱江明,陶勇.L-谷氨酰胺的工程菌及其构建方法与应用. ZL201911362098.4.
    3. 林白雪,高全秀,陶勇.一种产MK-7的重组大肠杆菌及其构建方法和应用. ZL201911210070.9.
    4. 林白雪,张译文,周航,陶勇.产胍基乙酸的工程菌及其构建方法与应用. ZL201910247604.9.
    5. 林白雪,梁秀君,朴晓宇,张莎莎,陶勇.产左旋肉碱的重组菌及其构建方法与应用. ZL201811252374.7.
    6. 刘伟丰,朴晓宇,林白雪,陶勇.生产L-天冬氨酸的平台菌、基于该平台菌构建的生产β-丙氨酸的重组菌及其构建方法.ZL 201910270484.4.
    7. 陈楠,刘伟丰,林白雪,陶勇.高生物量和/或高生长速度重组菌及其构建方法与应用. ZL 201410167194.4
    8. 林白雪,袁慎键,杨巍,陶勇.海藻糖的生产方法.中国,专利号:ZL 201610249035.8.
    9. 林白雪,王鹏超,陶勇.2-苯乙醇的基因工程菌及其应用方法.专利号: ZL 201510650028.4.
    10. 林白雪,刘伟丰,傅震洲,陶勇.用于制备反式-4-羟基-L-脯氨酸的DNA分子和方法.专利号:ZL 201610244420.3
    11. 林白雪,崔丽,袁慎键,陶勇.一种生产反式-4-羟基-L-脯氨酸的工程菌及其构建方法与其应用.专利号:ZL 201610248615.5.
    12. 林白雪,张莎莎,杨巍,王鹏超,陶勇.N-乙酰谷氨酸的基因工程菌及其构建方法与应用.中国,专利号:ZL 201810789222.4.
    13. 林白雪,张莎莎,史从容,陶勇.L-鼠李糖的工程菌及其构建方法与应用.中国,专利号:ZL 201810517051.X.
    14. 于瑶,韩剑,林白雪,陶勇.一种检测待测样本中目标蛋白的含量的方法.中国,专利号:ZL 201710306828.3.
    15. 杨欣伟,黄建忠,陶勇,林白雪,柯崇榕,王鹏超.D-苯乳酸的基因工程菌及其构建方法与应用.中国,专利号:ZL 201710623316.X
    16. 林白雪,张子娟,陶勇. 产N-乙酰神经氨酸的基因工程菌及其构建方法与应用.中国,专利号:ZL201210349623.0.