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 兰 英博士、高级工程师






























Tao, Y.; Yun, J.L.; Wang, J.; Xu, P.; Li, C.M.; Liu, H.T.;Lan, Y.*; Pan, J.Z.*; Du, W.B.* High-Performance Detection ofMycobacterium bovisin Milk Using Digital LAMP,Food Chemistry, 2020, 327, 126945.

Hu, B.Y.; Xu, B.X.; Yun, J.L.*; Wang, J.; Xie, B.L.; Li, C.M.; Yu, Y.H.;Lan, Y.; Zhu, Y.X.; Dai, X.; Huang, Y.; Huang, L.; Pan, J.Z.*; Du, W.B.* High-throughput Single-cell Cultivation Reveals Underexplored Rare Biosphere in Deep-sea Sediments Along the Southwest Indian Ridge,Lab on a Chip, 2020, 20, 363-372. 

Yi, Q.L.#; Cai, D.Y.#; Xiao, M.; Nie, M.Y.; Cui, Q.N.; Cheng, J.W.; Li, C.M.; Feng, J.; Urban, G.; Xu, Y.-C.*;Lan, Y.*; Du, W.B.* Direct Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Bloodstream Infection on SlipChip,Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2019, 135, 200-207.   

Nie, M.Y.; Zheng, M.; Li, C.M.; Shen, F.; Liu, M.H.; Luo, H.B.; Song, X.H.;Lan, Y.*; Pan, J.Z.*; Du, W.B.*, Assembled Step Emulsification Device for Multiplex Droplet Digital PCR,Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91, 1779-1784.   

Xu, B.X.; Hu, B.Y.; Wang, J.;Lan, Y.; Zhu, Y.X.; Dai, X.; Huang, L.; Huang, Y.*; Du, W.B.*Virgibacillus indicussp. nov. andVirgibacillusprofundisp. nov, two moderately halophilic bacteria isolated from marine sediment by using the microfluidic streak plates,International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2018, 68, 2015-2023.  

Cai, D.Y.; Yi, Q.L.; Shen, C.H.;Lan, Y.; Urban, G.; Du, W.B.* Direct enrichment of pathogens from physiological samples of high conductivity and viscosity using H-filter and positive dielectrophoresis,Biomicrofluidics, 2018, 12, 014109. 

Lan, Y.; Cai, D; Zheng, Y.Z*, Expression inEscherichia coliof Three Different Soybean Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) Genes to Investigate Enhanced Stress Tolerance, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2004.10.15, 47(5): 613-621.