


Areas of Interests

droplet microfluidics, microbiome, synthetic biology, digital biology, single-cell analysis, cell-cell interaction, microbial diversity, biofilm, antibiotic resistance, digital nucleic acids amplification testing, point-of-care testing, high-throughput screening.




1.    微生物单细胞分离、培养和高通量分选:利用液滴微流控技术平台在单细胞水平对环境和富集培养样品中的功能菌进行高通量分选、培养和分析,加快微生物资源的收集挖掘和评估。

2.    不可培养微生物单细胞测序:结合流式细胞分选(FACS)和纳升体积单细胞基因组扩增技术,实现环境中未培养功能微生物菌群的单细胞基因组测序和功能分析。

3.    数字PCR技术方法开发和应用:自主研制基于振动微滴发生技术(OsciDrop) 的一体化、自动化数字PCR平台,用于临床微生物(细菌,真菌,病毒等)快速高灵敏多重多靶点检测。

4.    病原微生物分离、鉴定和耐药分析:基于微流控的临床样品病原微生物分离和分子鉴定,以及病原菌的药物敏感性定量分析。

Research Summary

Our research spans a broad range of Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Microfluidics. We use microfluidic droplets for high-throughput culturing and screening of single cells in nanoliter to picoliter volumes. We are developing automated workflows and devices for large scale single-cell isolation, cultivation, interaction and sequencing. We want to provide better approaches to improve the cultivation of microbial samples, to isolate and study rare microbes and extremophiles from the environments, to study the diversity, functions and evolution of complex microbial communities, and to advance clinical pathogen diagnosis and biosafety testing. Our current ongoing projects include:

1.    Single-cell isolation, cultivation and sorting using high-throughput droplet microfluidic technologies.

2.    single cell whole genome amplification of uncultured microorganisms.

3.    digital PCR systems and clinical microbiology applications.

4.    isolation, identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing of pathogens in clinical and environmental samples.