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A new species of Hyalorbilia and its anamorph from China Nova Hedvigia 2005
Prokaryote Diversity in the Rumen of Yak (Bos grunniens) and Jinnan Cattle (Bos taurus) estimated by 16S rDNA homology analyses. Anaerobe 2005
Boletus reticuloceps, a new combination for Aureoboletus reticuloceps. Sydowia. 2005
Isolation and characterisation of ten rice lesion mimic mutants from a T-DNA tagged population. Progress in Natural Science. 2005
Key enzymes of the protocatechuate branch of the b'ketoadipate pathway for aromatic degradation in Corynebacterium glutamicum. Science in China. 2005
Gene expression and molecular characterization of a thermostable trehalose phosphorylase from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis. Science in China Series C-Life Sciences 2005
Dactylella coccinella sp. nov., anamorph of Orbilia coccinella . Mycotaxon? 2005
Verticimonosporium verticale sp. nov. from Jiangxi Province, China. Mycotaxon? 2005
Occurrence of Tuber aestivum in China . Mycotaxon? 2005
Revision of the taxonomic position of Phoenix Mushroom. Mycotaxon? 2005
Two new species of Urocystis (Urocystales) from China Mycotaxon? 2005
A new species and a new record of Anthracoidea (Ustilaginales) from China . Mycotaxon? 2005
Some new species and new records of discomycetes in China. XII. Mycotaxon? 2005
Penicillium brevistipitatum, a new species isolated from Jilin Province, China. Mycotaxon? 2005
Revision of three species of Tricholoma reported from China. Mycotaxon? 2005