The collaboration between these two Innovative Developing Countries was first conceived some years ago by two of the nation’s top researchers: Ge-orge Gao and Carlos Morel.Besides being countries of the Brics, both China and Brazil are part of scientific endeavors such as the Global Virome Project and The World Academy of Science.
2017-6-27 With the invitation of Fiocruz, the Chinese delegation of health and genomics experts from IMCAS and BGI visited the Fiocruz campus inRio de Janeiro, to discuss future scientific partnerships between Brazil and the Asian country. Objective possibilities of cooperation were pointed out as a result of the meeting, including the possibility of joint studies onthe evolution of the zika virus and its capacity to adapt to the host, on characteristics of immune responses between patients and survivors, andon the persistence of the zika virus, among others.

2017-11-01 The first Memorandum of Understanding was signed in S?o Paulo in the presence of the Brazilian Minister of Health, Ricardo Barros, and the vice-minister of Health of China Guoqiang Wang. Which aims to jointly develop research and technological development projects, exchange experts and information, technology and materials.

2018-2-26 Fiocruz’s President Nisia Trindade signed a second Memorandum of Understanding to further develop the IDRPC with two innovative private companies, BGI and ZTE, as well as the Institute ofMicrobiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Shenzhen’s Third People Hospital. The document establishes the foundations for a scientific cooperation agreement that will allow the setting up of two Brazil-China Centers for Research and Prevention of Infectious Diseases, one in Brazil and one in China.

2018-7-30 The 1st Academic Meeting of Brazil-China Center for Research and Prevention of Infectious Diseases (IDRPC), organized by Fiocruz and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, took place at the campus of Manguinhos (Rio de Janeiro) and marked another step in the partnership between the two countries. This first academic meeting had a special focus on infections responsible for recent epidemics in both countries, zika in the case of Brazil, and influenza in the case of China. Among the advances presented were studies on possible vaccines and rapid diagnostic methods, which require the partnership of Fiocruz to be tested in patients.Collaboration
